Saturday, February 18, 2012

Welcome to Southpoint-Condo

Hello Southpointers!  

Well,  most of you must have received the email or seen the post from Vinnie and his lawyer prohibiting me from addressing you directly. Instead, I am going to use this Blog to communicate with you. It will be a little work for you--you'll have to remember the address --

or, to make it easy you can make it one of your favorites.

I will try to be an honest, objective commentator. I'll write short notes--always keeping in mind my father's dictum--"Brevity is the Soul of Wit," -- so I'll be brief in each post.    When I first mentioned my father's dictum at a Board meeting, I realized that it might have been Shakespeare who said it. Someone in the audience called out, "Shakespeare stole it from your father!"  Anyway, whether Shakespeare or Dad, I am going to work to keep my remarks brief.

Southpoint needs a Board that works together. All Board members should be informed, familiar with our Documents, and the State regulations regarding Condominiums.  Having a Board familiar with, and willing to abide by the DOCs, Rules, and Regulations, will avoid most of the problems that we have had this year.  No one comes to the Board fully educated, but by this time I would expect that officers  would have learned how to run a Board and how to run Board meetings.

Lisa,  Elaine,  and I have worked to understand the DOCs.  Lisa and I have gone to many sessions to learn the State Regulations:   Those who heard Tony Peccia at Candidate's night can tell that he will be a great asset to the Southpoint Board  and to Southpoint.  Elaine Jaffe is very familiar with state regulations and it was she who fought harder than anyone for transparency--even against me when I was President.   What is transparency?  It means that any Owner should be able to get information about their investment easily, without a fuss.  Remember, Owners are entitled to all information regarding their investment with a very few exceptions. I was impressed by Michele Biberman's presentation, and especially the fact that she has been a Director of two different Boards, and was relected to each several times.

Yes, Elaine fought my Board for transparency, as well as this Board.  But I learned from her-- Open minds learn easily.

This is all for tonight. More tomorrow.  If you're  in Florida , enjoy the beautiful weather--if you're not here--come on down...

Michael E.Katz